Klara Beyeler

After studying philosophy, Klara Beyeler did part of her training as a professional dancer in New York, working with a number of American companies. In 2013 she joined Pilobolus Dance Theater, with whom she toured for 7 years.

After touring conventional theatres, she chose to perform alone in small rural churches for small audiences. In 2020, her encounter with photographer Elsa Emilie Martin gave rise to Sacré, Mythes & Réalité, a visual and audio exhibition based on 300 testimonies about the sacred.

Klara expresses her questions in her various creations. The most recent of these is LES CHANTS DE L'ÂME, a poetic dance piece influenced by Tango Nuevo, with pianist Anne Mascetti and singer Emanuela Perrupato.

She also teaches partnering to amateurs and professionals, drawing on her experience of techniques for carrying and sharing body weight. In L'image & mon corps, a workshop for teenagers in schools, and Addiction & Enfermement, a work on care for prison inmates, Klara uses this discipline as a somatic approach to self-reflection.

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