Leo Calvelli & Eugenia Usandivaras

Leo Calvelli et Eugenia Usandivaras

Leo  from Buenos Aires and Eugenia from Salta in the north of Argentina met in Buenos Aires in 1993 and came to Europe in 1995 as a couple called Leo and Eugenia. They first settled in Spain, then in Italy and are now based in Metz (France).  



Leo was lulled by Argentine folklore since early childhood,  became a specialist and was naturally attracted to tango.

 Eugenia trained in ballet and modern dance at the famous San Martin Theatre in Buenos Aires ; she then walked into a tango school and has never  left it so far.

They have worked all over the world.

Argentina, Uruguay, Finland, Germany, France, Italy, Britain, Russia, Monaco, Belgium, Japan, Cyprus, South Korea, Turkey, Switzerland, Portugal, Israël, Sweden, Norway, Poland...

They danced with the most prestigious orchestras and the greatest artists such as Osvaldo Pugliese, Julio Iglesias, Sexteto tango, Color Tango, Hypérion, ...

They have collaborated to various films and TV commercials.

They are producers and performers for their own show :  Conceptango.

They have taught in the greatest festivals : Paris Festival Colortango,  Nuit de la Passion in Gant, Rome Festival, Tarbes en Tango, Tangofolies in Lausanne  Wuppertal, Stockolm, Naples...

Leo and Eugenia were present at the first Tarbes en Tango and they were introduced on their first year in Europe. So their  presence at the 20th stands to reason !

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