
Julien Blondel, Piano

Mehdi Al-Tinaoui, Violin

Gaspar Pocai, Chant and Bandonéon

Oriol Martinez Codinachs, Guitarrón

Laura Nivou, Violin

Driven by their strong complicity, the fruit of a collective experience of more than 15 years already, and this perpetual desire to play tango everywhere, these musicians now offer several formulas ranging from duet to quintet. Their various proposals are all milongueras, to make dance more beautiful.

The compositions of Gaspar Pocai speak to us about today, the tango, the people and the questions that inhabit them, while being strongly anchored in the tradition of the tango milonguero. With the pillars of the collective, they make of his works small delights to dance in joy and depth.

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