INSTRUMENT Workshop: tango and folklore parilla style option

230 € (TR* 140 €)

From monday, 19th to Saturday, 24th august

Conservatoire Henri Duparc

6 lessons of 5 hours (30h)
from 10 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 5 pm

Every instrument is possible with the multi-instrumentist musician and singer Alfonso Pacin .


Participants work the pieces "a la parilla", that is the "live" creation of arrangements from a single simple melodic line with chord chart. 
The last day, all the participants present their work and take part in the concert in the Conservatoire Henri Duparc Saturday 24th August.

Registrations are requested as soon as practicable to receive music scores before classes.
Bring your instrument (violin, viola, cello, bass, bandoneon, flute, guitar, clarinet...).
Pianos are at your disposal, but in limited numbers.

Dance classes:
Musicians can take dance lessons, every evening from 6pm to 7:30pm. See the possibilities on the

How to register

Class given by

Alfonso Pacin

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