INSTRUMENT Pass : guitar option

205 € (TR* 122 €)

Monday to Saturday
Henri Duparc Conservatory


6 lessons of 5 hours (30h)
from 10 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 5 pm

The instrument pass Guitar Option offers work with  Diego Trosman .
In the afternoon the splitting into two subgroups will allow to deepen knowledge according to the level.

Registration is desired as soon as possible in order to send the scores to the musicians before the courses.
Musicians must be equipped with their guitar.

On the program: arrangements written especially for the occasion, as well as more spontaneous work, «a la parilla» based on grids.
At the end of the course, the musicians will present their work of the week.
A minimum of 5 registrations on 31 July, conditions the existence of the guitar option.

How to register

Class given by

Diego Trosman

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