Exhibition "Danzas y encuentros"

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Danzas y Encuentros


Exhibition from 31 July to 24 August 2024

Inauguration on Saturday 17 August at 2 p.m.


Ever since I could hold a pencil, I've always drawn and painted, encouraged by the painters in my family and ‘shaped’ by the different countries I've lived in, particularly Argentina, which has unquestionably shaped my inspiration.
in which I have lived, particularly Argentina, which has unquestionably shaped my inspiration.
As a self-taught artist, I attended workshops under the guidance of various teachers and courses with renowned watercolourists.
For many years I was lucky enough to attend the studio of Ponciano Cárdenas, a great Argentine master of Bolivian origin, in Buenos Aires, while exhibiting my paintings at the ‘Feria de las Artes’ in San Telmo.
Passionate about the Tango and folklore, a large part of my paintings is devoted to recreating
the moods and atmospheres in which the dancers move.
I particularly like to paint those who have a history and a life experience that gives the dance a depth capable of transforming any interpretation, any difference, any diversity, any movement into a strong and extraordinary emotion!

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