Movie : Utama la terre oubliée

6 €
Locate Cinema - Le Parvis

Utama la terre oubliée

Alejandro Loayza Grisi, 2022, 1h28

In the vastness of the Bolivian highlands, Virginio and Sisa watch over their herd of llamas. So far, nothing has been able to divert them from this harsh life, inherited from traditions: neither their advanced age, nor the departure of the inhabitants of the region, driven away by drought. So they mistrustfully welcome the visit of Clever, their 19-year-old grandson, who came to convince them to settle in the city with the rest of the family. Reluctant to leave her land, Virginio was inflexible. So much so that on the day he falls seriously ill, he decides to hide it from Sisa and Clever…



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