SHOW : "Tango Shortcuts: We finish the horses well..." - Inspired by the American film

16 € à 24 € Milonga incluse-included-incluida
Locate Show - Halle Marcadieu

For technical reasons we see ourselves in the obligation to replace the show of Saturday, August 20 «Cabaret Tango Circus» by the show ««Tango Shortcuts, We finish the horses well...», Inspired by the American film and  produced by the same company Tango Unione.

It is a show of contemporary tango, dance and live music, in camera, explosive, vibrating, on the razor’s edge, inspired in part by reminiscences of the dance championships, and Horace MacCoy’s book «On termine bien les chevaux».

Is it a competition, a rite, a sacrifice, a game? Obviously, this part can only be played under the gaze of the spectator, and only makes sense through him, the stage being a dance floor, a perpetual ball, a ring, an arena, a playground...
The 2 musicians come out of the magic of their instruments, and the 8 dancers, subjected to harsh tests, kept in a state of improvisation, emergency, vulnerability, give to see in a raw way what is usually hidden: the intensity of the effort, The sweating, the failures.
They dance like it’s the last day of their lives.
The spectator is placed in an unusual position, feeling in turn voyeur or judge, participating in a putting in abyss of the act of representation.

A show choreographed by Patrice Meissirel with dancers Irene Moraglio, Patrice Meissirel, Dimitris Biskas, Mariana Patsarika, Cécile Rouanne, Rémi Esterle, Sarah Adjou, Maximiliano Colussi, and musicians Gonzalo Gudiño and Manuel Cedron.
Lighting creation: Emmanuelle Staüble Costumes: Mélisande de Serres, Nelida Bellomo and Claudio Soro.

This show is supported by the DRAC Île de France, the patronage of the Caisse des Dépôts, the festival Le Printemps du Tango and Cie Estro, the Office du Tourisme Haute Maurienne Vanoise and the city of Val-Cenis, the Théâtre Traversière, the Onde Théâtre - Centre d'Art, the CCN of Créteil, the Théâtre des Franciscains de Béziers and the CND of Pantin


Tango Shortcuts - Résidence à Val Cenis from Simon Houari on Vimeo.


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