Singing classes workshop

205 € (TR* 122 €)

From Monday to Saturday

Conservatoire Henri Duparc

Timetable of the courses:

6 lessons from 5h (30h) from Monday to Saturday from 10h to 13h and from 15h to 17h.


This year we propose you a renovated singing workshop, in three levels:
• beginner levels
• intermediate - advanced levels
• advanced  levels – professional

The first day of the worshop, The teachers will define the groups –after an interview-on the first day of the course.


This workshop is under the direction of Ana Karina Rossi et Mirta Dahanni, accompanied by the Argentine guitarist Agustin Luna.

They will go though the most famous styles of every Tango period : how to sing each style ? Which vocal technique to apply ? Which phrasing ?


Ana Karina et Mirta will offer a rich and coordinated preparation and in-depth work on

On registration you will receive an email with all you need to prepare ( titles of the chosen pieces, links, musics, lyrics, music sheets)


A minimum knowledge of Spanish is desired.
Trainees must work on their scores prior to the internship.
At the end of the course, the singers present their work accompanied by guitarist Agustin Luna.

Registration for the courses is desired as soon as possible in order to receive the scores before the courses.

How to register

Class given by

Ana Karina Rossi

Mirtha Alcaraz Dahani

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